GRE essays

Monday, May 23, 2011

World list 38

Pecuniary(adj):- pertaining to money.
Pedagogy (noun):- teaching ;art of education.
Pedant(noun):- scholar who overemphasizes book learning or technicalities.
Pedantic(adj):-showing off learning ;bookish.
Pedestrian :(Adj)-unimaginative,ordinanary
Pediatrician(noun):-physician specializing in children's diseases.
Peerless(adj):- having no equal;incomparable.
pejorative(adj):- negative in connotation; having a belittle effect.
Pell-mell(adv):- in confusion;disorderly.
Pellucid(adj):- transparent;limpid.
penance(noun):- self-imposed punishment for sin.
Penchant(noun):-strong inclination;liking.
Pendant(adj)-hanging down from something.
Pendant(noun):-ornament(hanging from a necklace ..).
Pendulous(adj):- hanging ;suspended.
Penitent(adj):- repentant.
Pensive(adj):- dreamily thoughtful ;thoughtful with a hint of sadness.
Penumbra(noun):- partial shadow (in an eclipse).
Penury(noun):- severe poverty.
Peon(noun):- landless agricultural worker;bond servant.
Percussion(adj):- striking one object against other sharply.
Perdition(noun):- damnation;complete ruin.
Peregrination(noun):- journey.
Peremptory(adj):- demanding and leaving no choice.
Perennial(noun):-something long lasting.
Perfidious(adj):- treacherous;disloyal.
Perforate(verb):-pierce;put a hole through.
Perfunctory(adj):-superficial,not thorough.
Perigee(noun):- point of moon's orbit when it is nearest the earth.
Perimeter(noun):- outer boundary.
Peripatetic(adj):- walking about;moving.
Periphery(noun):-edge,especially of a round surface.
Perjury(noun):- false testimony under oath.
Permeable (adj):- penetrable ;porous;allow liquid or gas pass through.
Pernicious(adj):- very destruction.
Peroration(noun):- conclusion of an oration.
Perpetrate(verb):- commit an offense.
Perpetual(verb):- everlasting .
Perpetuate(verb):-make something last;preserve from extinction.
Perquisite(noun):- any gain above stipulated salary.
Personable(adj):- attractive.
Perspicacious(adj):- having insight ;penetrating ;astute.
Perspicuity(noun):-clearness of expression.freedom from ambiguity.
Pert(adj):- impertinent ;forward.
Pertinacious(adj):- stubborn ;persistent.
Pertinent(adj):- suitable;to the point
Perturb(verb):-disturb greatly.Perturbation.
Peruse(verb):- read with care.
Pervasive(adj):- spread throughout.
Perverse (adj):- stubbornly wrong headed.wicked and unacceptable.
Perversion(noun):- corruption ;turning from right to wrong.
Pessimism(noun):-belief that life is basically bad or evil.gloominess.
Pestilential (adj):-causing plague ;baneful.
pestle(noun):- tool for mashing and grinding substances in a hard bowl.
Petrify(verb):- turn to stone.
Petty(adj);-trivial and unimportant ;very small .
Petulant(adj):- touchy ;peevish.
Pharisaical(adj):- related to pharisees,who paid scrupulous attention to tradition;self righteous ;hypocritical.
Phenomena:-observable facts ;subjects of scientific investigation.
Philanderer(noun):-faithless lover;flirt.

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